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Privacy policy

Guaranteed Security

The information that we send and receive is handled with the most up-to-date Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol which encrypts any information you enter. This way, when your information travels through the Internet, it is fully encrypted until it is received by the recipient. We do suggest, however, that you be sure to sign off when you are using a shared computer to protect against unauthorized access to your password and computer. For your added protection, we do not store credit card numbers provided to us for the process of online orders.

In the event of unauthorized use of your credit card number, most financial institutions in Canada will cover all charges to your account as a result of fraudulent credit card use, or limit your responsibility to a $50 fee. If your financial institution holds you liable, we will cover that fee provided that the unauthorized credit card use resulted through no fault of your own while purchasing items on our Web site while connected to our secure server. Contact your credit card company immediately if you detect any fraudulent activity on your account.


Do you share my personal information with other companies or corporations?

We fully respect your rights to privacy and confidentiality. Ingenium will not provide or sell any customer information to third parties. Any information we collect is used strictly for our own research so that we can better serve you, the customer. 


You can read our full privacy notice by clicking on the link