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History of mechanization in forest operations in eastern Canada from the first decades of the 20th century to the early 1980s.
This historical assessment consists of two separate components. The principal component was written by Dr. Ross Silversides and concerns the history of mechanization in forest operations in eastern Canada from the first decades of the 20th century to the early 1980s. Based on published material, private files, and interviews, the result is very much a personal view that is mainly a detailed account of technical innovation, change, and development. The extended essay by Dr. Richard Rajala complements and contextualizes the technical history. Its primary intent is to document changes in markets and patterns of resource utilization, the organization of work, employment conditions, and forest policy. Author: C. Ross Silversides; Published: 1997
Publisher: National Museum of Science and Technology (1997)
Author(s): C. Ross Silversides, with accompanying essay by Richard A. Rajala.
Format: Paperback, 174 pages
Dimensions: 28 cm
ISBN: 9780660159805
Language(s): English